NAG Fortran Library

G07 - Univariate Estimation

Chapter Introduction
G07AAF Computes confidence interval for the parameter of a binomial distribution
G07ABF Computes confidence interval for the parameter of a Poisson distribution
G07BBF Computes maximum likelihood estimates for parameters of the Normal distribution from grouped and/or censored data
G07BEF Computes maximum likelihood estimates for parameters of the Weibull distribution
G07CAF Computes t-test statistic for a difference in means between two Normal populations, confidence interval
G07DAF Robust estimation, median, median absolute deviation, robust standard deviation
G07DBF Robust estimation, M-estimates for location and scale parameters, standard weight functions
G07DCF Robust estimation, M-estimates for location and scale parameters, user-defined weight functions
G07DDF Computes a trimmed and winsorized mean of a single sample with estimates of their variance
G07EAF Robust confidence intervals, one-sample
G07EBF Robust confidence intervals, two-sample

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1999